
We welcome your comments and posts (referred to below as “posts”) and look forward to a lively dialogue on our social media pages (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).
We kindly request that you adhere to the following rules. Please note that we reserve the right to delete or report posts that are in breach of these rules, without necessarily stating the reasons why we have done so.

Show respect

  • We want our dialogue to be respectful, so please ensure that your tone is fair and polite at all times.
  • We kindly ask you to treat all users as you would like to be treated yourself.
  • Please remember that you are dealing with real people. You can present your arguments forcefully, but you should never attack other users or anyone else personally.
  • Everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, so please do not try to force your views on others.
  • We will delete or report insults, sexist or racist remarks, and anti-Semitic posts. The same applies to posts containing vulgar, abusive or hate speech or posts that violate the rights of third parties, including and in particular copyright.
  • Where possible, please comment in the language used in the original post.

Stick to the topic

  • Please ensure that your comments are always relevant to the original post. In the interests of all, you should avoid posting content that has nothing or very little to do with the original post. We reserve the right to delete or report such posts. This also applies to content that is posted more than once (cross-posting).

No spam

  • Posts that take the form of chain letters, junk mail or spam are in breach of Facebook’s Terms of Service, while spam is not allowed under the Twitter Rules. Such posts may be deleted immediately. We also reserve the right to block and/or report users who disseminate such content.
  • Misuse of the Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2020 (from here on “the Presidency”) social media pages to advertise websites or services or to sell goods or services, either commercially or as a private individual, is not allowed. Such posts will be deleted or reported.
  • Content, information, software or other material that breaks the law must not be posted.

Quote correctly

  • In order to quote correctly, not only must the quotation be exact, the right source must also be provided. You must state a source or author that can be verified by other users. Please be sparing in providing links to external websites.
  • We reserve the right to delete links that are posted more than once.

User responsibility

  • All users are responsible for the posts they publish. The Presidency does not assume any responsibility for users’ posts.
  • In so far as posts are protected by copyright, the rights of use fundamentally remain with their author. In posting on our Facebook or Instagram pages, however, authors allow the Presidency to leave a post permanently on the pages and to archive it. This permission cannot be revoked. The Presidency also has the right to delete, edit, move or close topics and posts.

Final responsibility lies with the operator

  • As the operator of these accounts, we will not accept any breaches of these guidelines on commenting. We reserve the right to report and delete posts and comments at all times, including without stating the reasons for this, and to report, mute or block their authors.
  • By interacting with the Presidency on its social media pages, you recognise these guidelines.
  • The general laws and regulations apply.
  • Breaches will result in your exclusion from the discussion and in extreme cases can lead to legal action being taken.

We would also like to point out that you should take into account and adhere to the various platforms’ terms of use and rules:

Thank you for your understanding! Have fun using our social media pages!