
Beginning at 8.30, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer will welcome participating EU home affairs ministers at a digital doorstep ceremony before starting into the day's agenda.

Talks will begin at 9.30 with a discussion about European police partnerships and law enforcement cooperation in Europe. Home affairs ministers will discuss how to ensure freedom and security within the Schengen area through effective and trustworthy information sharing between relevant authorities at the national and European levels.

Following a short break and a greeting from Saxony's State Premier Michael Kretschmer, the meeting will recommence at 13.00 with a discussion on search and rescue at sea. Participating home affairs ministers will be invited to discuss how to coordinate such operations and how to advance the fight against people smuggling.

This first informal meeting of the EU's home affairs ministers during Germany's Council Presidency will conclude at 15.00 with a joint press conference with Interior Minister Seehofer and European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson.