
The EU ministers' discussions focused on the working conditions and social protection of platform workers and the Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy.

In the morning, ministers exchanged views on how to improve precarious conditions of employment in the platform economy and the social protection of platform workers who are often solo self-employed persons. This exchange of views focused not only on measures taken in the member states but also on the question of where EU-wide regulation is needed in addition to national rules - especially in view of the often cross-border nature of online services.

In the afternoon, ministers focused on gender equality and equal opportunities. There was an exchange of views on the strategy “A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025” presented by the Commission. Achieving equal labour market participation of women and men and a fair distribution of paid work and unpaid care work are of particular importance in this context.

The meeting was a public event and was streamed on the Council’s website. As usual, the press was briefed after the ministers’ meeting on the above-mentioned topics and on other topics including adequate minimum wages in the EU, human rights and decent work in global supply chains, the further implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EU Strategy on LGBTIQ equality and the fight against child poverty.