Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement today (29 May) at the presentation of the logo and website for Germany’s EU Council Presidency:
On 1 July, we will take up the Presidency of the Council of the European Union with a clear mandate: Together for Europe’s recovery.
Guiding Europe out of the crisis – this will be the defining task of our Presidency. We will take it on, knowing that we have an incredible amount of work on our plate that extends into all dimensions of the European Union: stimulating the economy, strengthening internal cohesion, and acting as one in foreign policy matters.
We want our Presidency to serve the European cause. We want to provide impetus and be an honest broker. Overcoming the COVID-19 crisis is both a top priority and an opportunity – we must more closely integrate with our partner countries, develop greater internal solidarity and become stronger and more sovereign toward the outside world.
Our faith in Europe’s innovative abilities is also reflected in our Presidency’s logo with its distinctive Möbius strip – a strong band symbolising a united Europe.
Background information
On 1 July, Germany will assume the Presidency of the Council of the European Union – for the 13th time. Germany last held the EU Council Presidency during the first half of 2007. The German Presidency also marks the start of a new trio Presidency, together with Portugal and Slovenia. Together, we will work on an 18-month programme that is aligned with the six-month programmes of our respective Presidencies.
The logo of Germany’s EU Council Presidency features a Möbius strip, which takes the form of a loop with only one edge and one side. Regardless of the point and direction in which one traces the loop, the Möbius strip has one continuous surface. There only appear to be two sides. The strip symbolises an integrative and innovative Europe that brings together the widest variety of people and interests into a common whole – a Europe with a common purpose, built on solidarity.
The website is a communication platform that provides centralised access to all issues related to Germany’s EU Council Presidency. It is where all current developments, events and press releases are compiled and presented in an informative, easy-to-read and transparent format. The platform – together with the Presidency’s social media channels – is intended to motivate a broad European public to get involved.